High school was not too bad for me. I found my group of
friends (all obsessed with Harry Potter, reading, drama club, or all of the
above). I danced 15-20 hours a week, as well as joined the school plays to
dance. I received good grades. My plan, all through those years as well as
through middle school, was to go to college for creative writing. Honestly,
there is nothing else that I want to do. If I am to go devote my time to
something, I don’t want to be doing it just to make money or because it’s a popular
profession. I wrote as often as I could, on short stories (that were
failures) and a portal fantasy story, the one that I am revising today.
That’s who I was: dancer, friend, writer, good student.
In college, that changed. I was still a good student, and I
did join ballroom dance, but after my sophomore year, I quit. I got a job in
the Writing Center at school, peer tutoring. I devoted most of my time to my
grades and my writing, when I was out of school. Most of the time, I pondered
this: who was I now? What was my identity? Writer, reader, good student,
girlfriend, and someone who happens to have colitis. Different, yes, but school
was still there to ground me.
I just graduated college in December, and walked in May.
School has been thrown out of the mix, tossed into the past until I decide (IF
I decide) to go back to school and get my Masters. Once again, people are
pressuring me to go into something that would make a lot of money. I can write
on the side, they say, and this is true. I would love to go back to school, but to dive back in after I just left
would mean that I still would have school to ground me.
I don’t want that.
I want to figure out who I am without school. I want to roll in the possibilities, to find new
hobbies, to meet new people—except oh wait I’m an introvert. I have colitis, I
write, I read, and I am a feminist. What else? What am I missing? What do I
believe in? Discovering who I am without school—as well as pushing the fear that
I will only be good at school and
nothing else—is difficult. It wouldn't be worthwhile, though, if it wasn't.
"I want to figure out who I am without school...Discovering who I am without school—as well as pushing the fear that I will only be good at school and nothing else—is difficult."
ReplyDelete^This. You said exactly what had me so on-the-fence about grad school for ages. We're in school non-stop from 4/5 years old until our early twenties (for those who at least get their undergrad. degree), and sometimes it's SO FREAKING HARD to determine who you are when you don't have these expectations to test well and to turn in assignments on time. The walls have to come down eventually, right?
Personally, I've been known for my grades my whole school career - from pre-school to my current college senior status. I get terrified that I'm good at nothing else.
Anyway. I just wanted to say that you said what I've been thinking for months/years. I've made the personal decision to apply to graduate programs for my writing, but only after long and careful consideration (making sure it's what I want versus what everyone else says would be good; that pressure, man >_>).
I think it's absolutely wonderful that you're taking a leap, of sorts, and venturing out, and getting a taste of life outside of school. These days, it's a decision so many people don't understand (just like undergrad. degrees are an expectation and assumption, it's becoming more and more common for people to assume everyone's going for their Masters).
So, with that (god, I told a mini-novel, didn't I?) I wish you luck! Keep doing you, dear <3