When Jessica was in kindergarten, she came home and declared to her mother that she wanted to "make books." Today, she is fulfilling that dream, one scene at a time.
These days, Jess is working on revising a portal fantasy work she began when was in seventh grade (and loves to death too much to put away for good). In addition, she is working on a piece of high fantasy that has fist-sized plot hole punches in its pages, thanks to her closest friends.
She lives in a small, New England town, surrounded by bipolar weather and long drives. In July/August of 2012, she was diagnosed with mild ulcerative colitis, adding to her list of awkward qualities. One day she hopes to either write a book or post a blog about it.
Lover of the color orange, polar bears, Harry Potter, orchestra music, and so much more...
Hiya! The Blog is looking awesome so far! Can't wait to read your posts and such! *high fives because you like the color orange*