Reading about people with Ulcerative Colitis, or Crohns, helps me to understand my own journey. I'm hoping to write a colitis-focused blog one day, or even a book. For right now, here are the books I've read to help me on my journey.- The Mirror Inside: A Journey to Finding Answers to Ulcerative Colitis, by Zoe C. Douglas
- Get Fit to Go, by Laura O'Reilly: This book features helpful exercises (which we all know are good for both flares in colitis and overall health.) It is written by a colitis patient and describes her journey as well as lists exercises and ways to modify them if you're having trouble. I found it very inspiring!
- G.I. A Brief History of the Weird Battle Raging Inside Me, by John Tonello
- On Eagle's Wings: The Inspirational Life of Annie Stites: Crohn's Survivor, By Gail Parker
- I'mpossible: My Personal Journey of Living with Ulcerative Colitis, by Heather B. Jacobs
In addition, I have also found helpful books on diet and changing your lifestyle to a healthier one. (Some these are great for non-crohn's/colitis patients, too!)
- Fatigue Free with Crohn's and Colitis: How Diet, Mindset and LIfestyle can increase your energy when living with IBD, by Greg Williams
- Shortcuts to Inner Peace: 70 Simple Paths to Everyday Serenity, by Ashley Davis Bush: This is a book my brother picked up for free at the public library to "help with my college stress." It teaches you small, simple meditation tricks to use throughout your day, instead of setting aside a specific time for it. When you make these habits, your stress level will reduce.
- Full Catastrophe Living: Using the Wisdom of Your Body and Mind to Face Stress, Pain, and Illness, by Jon Kabat-Zinn: This is recommended by one of my doctors.
- The First Year: Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis: An Essential Guide for the Newly Diagnosed, by Jill Sklar: I read this right after I was diagnosed, and, while a lot of it was difficult to hear, I found this a great guide for me as I learned what my disease was. Found and purchased by my mom!
- Crohn's and Colitis Diet Guide, by Hillary A. Steinhart: This book features a fantastic introduction to dangerous foods. Not only does it have hints on how to adjust your diet, what foods provide what nutrients, but it also features recipes in the back that offer alternatives if you cannot digest a certain food. Another good one when being first introduced to the disease.
- Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff: Simple Ways to Keep the Little Things from Taking Over Your Life, by Richard Carlson: Similar to Inner Peace, this book shows you how you can remind yourself what to be grateful for, when to be kind, when to let others win, and so many more important lessons. While reading, I found I needed to follow these more because I tend to stress out and am not as patient as I should be.
In the same way the books are helpful, websites are useful, too, in order to discuss the disease with other patients and to research some symptoms of yours that others may be experiencing, too. Below are the websites I use a lot.
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